On Wednesday, May 8, the Touch-a-Truck organizers sent out the following message.
Dear Touch-A-Truck fans,
We are sad to announce that, due to field conditions at Camp Mabry and the threat of severe thunderstorms, Touch-A-Truck 2019, scheduled for May 11, has been canceled. The over-saturated field and expected inclement weather raises safety concerns for attendees. This year's Touch-A-Truck will not be rescheduled.
Any tickets sold for this year's event will be honored for Touch-A-Truck 2020. As a fundraising event, all ticket purchases support SAFE services. We are grateful for your donation and appreciate your support. 

This is sad news for me and my Realty Austin colleagues since this event is one of our most-anticipated charity events of the year. But, we look forward to Touch-A-Truck 2020 and will continue to support SAFE| Children's Shelter programs throughout the upcoming year. Please help us continue to raise funds that will be missed by the cancellation of this event by donating at https://www.safeaustin.org/get-involved/donate/donate/
Posted by Charla Housson on
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